January 15, 2015

Stitch It Simple

Stitch It Simple by Beth Sheard

Summary: These projects and patterns for accessories and home decor are guaranteed to work well for sewing novices and produce fun, fast, beautiful results. Created for new-to-sewing crafters who have little or no experience in hand stitching or using a sewing machine, each project offers clear instructions and everything readers need to stitch something they are sure to love. With a wonderful passion for sewing featured on every page, readers will soon discover just how gratifying sewing can be.

Angie's Comments:  Beth Sheard offers some interesting projects. I could easily see changing some of the projects to fit what you need, such as making the butterfly mobile into a butterfly pillow, and so on. Some of the projects were cute.

The directions in the front are very helpful. However, the main issue is that while the subtitle reads “25 hand-sewn projects to make and share”, some of the projects and instructions involve machine sewing.

I recommend this book for crafters who might get some ideas about their own projects. 

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