September 17, 2015

From Stuffed to Sorted

From Stuffed to Sorted: Your Essential Guide to Organising, Room by Room by MaryAnne Bennie

Summary: Follow organisational expert MaryAnne Bennie's in8steps system and organise your entire home without turning it into total chaos in the process. In eight simple steps the system helps you to decide what stays and what goes, and how to store what remains efficiently.

Learn how to:
·         reorganise your whole house in a series of eight-minute blitzes
·         bust your excuses and find the motivation to start
·         develop techniques to set yourself up for success
·         focus on one area of your house at a time—from kickstarting your kitchen to boosting your bedroom
·         make the finishing touches to create the home you have always wanted.

So, what are you waiting for? Work at a pace your lifestyle allows and use this tried-and-tested system to completely overhaul your relationship with your stuff. Take control of your clutter and enjoy living in your home once again.

Angie's Comments: This is a handy guide to organization from Australian organizer MaryAnne Bennie. Bennie devotes a chapter to each room of the house, which emphasizes the problems and solutions specific to each room. The book is easy to read and I got some great tips form it.

Recommended for anyone who wants to re-organize their space and get rid of clutter.

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