January 4, 2016

Tales from the Dad Side

Tales from the Dad Side: Misadventures in Fatherhood by Steve Doocy

Summary: What you're holding in your hands is a very funny and sometimes poignant look at fathers. It's filled with stories of what it's been like as a dad and a son, from a child's first day of kindergarten to the awkward sex talk, right up to the day the always practical dad tries to pay for college with bonus miles.

While bookstores are filled with tales of mothers, their children, and families, there are so few from the dad's side. Now, as a public service, I'm doing my part to right this wrong.

Angies comments: A funny, sweet, and sometimes moving look at fatherhood by an author who has three children. I loved the trip to Ireland chapter with the author, his father, and his uncle.

Recommended for readers of humorous family stories.

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