January 2, 2017

Manage Your Day-to-Day

Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus and Sharpen Your Creative Mind edited by Jocelyn K. Glei

Summary: Stop doing busywork. Start doing your best work.

Are you over-extended, over-distracted, and overwhelmed? Do you work at a breakneck pace all day, only to find that you haven’t accomplished the most important things on your agenda when you leave the office?

The world has changed and the way we work has to change, too. With wisdom from 20 leading creative minds, Manage Your Day-to-Day will give you a toolkit for tackling the new challenges of a 24/7, always-on workplace.

Featuring contributions from: Dan Ariely, Leo Babauta, Scott Belsky, Lori Deschene, Aaron Dignan, Erin Rooney Doland, Seth Godin,Todd Henry, Christian Jarrett, Scott McDowell, Mark McGuinness, Cal Newport, Steven Pressfield, Gretchen Rubin, Stefan Sagmeister, Elizabeth G. Saunders, Tony Schwartz, Tiffany Shlain, Linda Stone, and James Victore. Plus, a foreword from Behance founder & CEO Scott Belsky.

Readers comments: You don’t have to a writer or artist to appreciate the advice in this book. The chapters are short, and the contributors don’t waste anyone’s time by writing too much. Coming from a wide range of contributors, there is a lot of advice to pick and choose from to suit your needs. Now I just need to implement the advice…

Recommended for anyone who wants ideas on getting productive.

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