May 27, 2015

The Language of the Dead

The Language of the Dead by Stephen Kelly

Summary:  As the shadow of World War II descends over Europe, Detective Inspector Thomas Lamb hunts for an elusive killer behind the veil of a seemingly charming English village.

German bombers are arriving daily, seeking to crush England. But in a rural Hampshire village, things have remained fairly quiet―until an elderly loner, Will Blackwell, is brutally murdered. The method of his killing bears the hallmarks of the traditional vanquishing of a witch, and indeed, local legend claims that as a boy, Blackwell encountered a ghostly black dog sent from the devil, who struck a bargain for Blackwell’s soul.

Not long after the murder, a young woman who is carrying the illegitimate child of a fighter pilot also is violently killed; then a local drunkard ends up in the race of an abandoned mill with the back of his head bashed in. As the Germans continue their relentless attack, Detective Inspector Thomas Lamb rushes to solve the crimes. Do the killer’s motivations lie in the murky regions of the occult?

Angie's Comments: It appears that this is Stephen Kelly’s first book, which I wouldn’t have guessed. I also hope that The Language of the Dead is the first of a series! Lamb, Wallace, and the other characters are complicated and I want to find out more about them. The mystery gets a bit convoluted towards the end, when the detectives are still trying to find out who did what.

Recommended for readers of mysteries and historical fiction.

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