October 20, 2016

History and Genealogy Resources

Interested in researching local history or your genealogy? Here are some resources that the Tipton County Public Library offers, and for more information, go to http://tiptongenealogy.blogspot.com/.


Like Ancestry.com, you can search census records, city directories, Revolutionary War records, and other resources. 

Access HeritageQuest from home with your library card.

Indiana Memory

A collection of digitized items from around Indiana, including newspapers from the 1800s to 1922. 

Available freely online at https://digital.library.in.gov/.

Tipton High School yearbooks

The Tipton High School yearbooks from 1898 to 1979 are available online in pdf. Go to http://tiptongenealogy.blogspot.com/ and on the right hand side, select the drop-down menu and choose what year you want. 

If you want any more suggestions or ideas, please call or come in the library today!

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