April 6, 2015

Better by Mistake

Better by Mistake: The Unexpected Benefits of Being Wrong by Alina Tugend

Summary: New York Times columnist Alina Tugend delivers an eye-opening big idea: Embracing mistakes can make us smarter, healthier, and happier in every facet of our lives.

In this persuasive book, journalist Alina Tugend examines the delicate tension between what we’re told—we must make mistakes in order to learn—and the reality—we often get punished for them. She shows us that mistakes are everywhere, and when we acknowledge and identify them correctly, we can improve not only ourselves, but our families, our work, and the world around us as well. Bold and dynamic, insightful and provocative, Better by Mistake turns our cultural wisdom on its head to illustrate the downside of striving for perfection and the rewards of acknowledging and accepting mistakes and embracing the imperfection in all of us.

Angie's Comments: Let’s start Monday off talking about mistakes! Sometimes being wrong is okay, as this book demonstrates. The book reminds me of the saying that “Every plane crash makes flying safer”. I don’t know who said it, but as long as you identify and correct the mistakes made that caused the crash, flying does become safer. This book is an overview of mistakes and how people and industries handle them, including medicine and aviation.

If you are interested in how people handle mistakes, this is a good overview. It isn’t the best book I have read on the subject, but it was a solid overview with some interesting points to ponder. 

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