April 2, 2015

Surviving Ebola

Surviving Ebola: NOVA

Summary:  In December, 2013, in a small village in West Africa, a young boy died from the dreaded disease, Ebola. Over the next nine months the virulent killer would claim more victims than all previous Ebola epidemics put together. And for the first time, the disease escaped the isolated, rural villages where it had first appeared, and traveled in infected patients by air to densely populated cities in several African countries. As the epidemic threatens to spiral out of control, NOVA reports from the hot zone, where courageous medical teams struggle to cope with a flood of victims, to labs where scientists are racing to test vaccines and find a cure. Surviving Ebola includes chilling first-hand interviews of what it's like to catch-and-survive this terrible affliction.

Angie's Comments: This is a special from the BBC and NOVA. The program gives an insight into the medical staff who volunteered to assist in the Ebola efforts and the efforts to create vaccines and medicine to fight off Ebola. The program is good, although I was expecting more interviews and information from the Africans who lived through the epidemic. This program really only interviews American and British medical staff. 

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